These materials support the teaching and assessment of Maths. Each Year Group – Y1-Y6 Curriculum is broken down into Year Group Teaching Objectives – aligned with the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.

Each objective then outlines:

• WTS/EXS/GDS expectations with exemplars when appropriate

enabling teachers to make robust assessments.

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Y4 - Examples support teachers in understanding the difference between WTS/EXP/GDS

Y4 - Examples support teachers in understanding the difference between WTS/EXP/GDS

Y5 - Examples support teachers in understanding progression from WTS to GDS

Y5 - Examples support teachers in understanding progression from WTS to GDS

Objectives can be ticked or highlighted formatively, as units of work are completed – providing gap analysis and a summative overview at the end of each term. The sheet might look like this look like this at the end of the first unit of work in the …

Objectives can be ticked or highlighted formatively, as units of work are completed – providing gap analysis and a summative overview at the end of each term. The sheet might look like this look like this at the end of the first unit of work in the Autumn Term – Number and Place Value - clearly showing achievement and what the child still needs to work on to achieve EXPECTED by the end of the year.

Sheets work with the majority of Schemes of Work available to schools – as they cover the National Curriculum Programme of Study.However, they can be adapted to be bespoke to whichever Scheme of Work is used in school – as these examples.The example…

Sheets work with the majority of Schemes of Work available to schools – as they cover the National Curriculum Programme of Study.

However, they can be adapted to be bespoke to whichever Scheme of Work is used in school – as these examples.

The example here is adapted for a school which uses the AET Maths Scheme and Target Tracker as their tracking system.

Many schools use a variety of schemes and resources – bespoke guidance can be produced to assist teachers and save time during planning.

Many schools use a variety of schemes and resources – bespoke guidance can be produced to assist teachers and save time during planning.