For each year - Y1 to Y5 we have a set of materials to support teacher assessment of writing. They take each objective in the year group writing curriculum and describe what that looks like at WTS/EXP/GDS. In addition there is assessment and technical guidance for teachers to assist them in making judgements and understanding the requirements of the objective.

These materials can be purchased for individual teachers or schools in the Digital Product Store.

Additionally, they can be free to whole schools if introduced and delivered with accompanying CPD. Typically, this would take two staff meetings or a PD Day. Such a package would also include the Y2 and Y6 Exemplification Materials. Please complete a Contact Form if you are interested in discussing this option.

“ This is exactly what we have needed to support our understanding of the writing standards. I am so much more confident in the robustness of our assessment s sinceintroducing your materials.’
Middlesbrough HT 2019

Year Three Target Sheet - WTS/EXP/GDS - one page for use in recording individual children’s achievement. They are designed to be used formatively, by highlighting, as units of work are completed - and also provide a summative overview at the end of each term.

Year Three Target Sheet - with teacher assessment guidance

Year Three Target Sheet - with teacher assessment guidance

Year 3 Non Negotiable (from previous years)

Year 3 Non Negotiable (from previous years)

Packages and CPD are available to support introduction of the materials. Please complete a Contact Form to discuss.

Packages and CPD are available to support introduction of the materials. Please complete a Contact Form to discuss.